Flow EZ™ : the future of microfluidics

Are you tired with bad performance with your syringe pumps?
Are you tired of waiting for your computer to launch to start your experiments?
Are you tired of using a microfluidic controller that uses too much space on your lab bench?
Forget long equilibration time, long procedures on your computer, optimizing your set-up to get enough space for your controller.
Welcome to a new world in your daily routine.
The Flow EZ™ revolution
Let us introduce you the new Flow EZ™ by Fluigent.
A new technology and a new design united in one product, that allows you to control microfluidic flow in a blink of an eye. The most advanced flow controller, the most compact pressure pump, designed to hold in one’s hand.
Simply dial in the pressure you want, get started instantaneously and focus on what really matters: your experiments.
Expand it yourself if you need more pressure channels, simply add a module by plugging it, and focus on what really matters: your results.
Put it anywhere on your lab bench to suit your microfluidic set-up, don’t arrange your setup to hold next to your flow controller, and focus on what really matters: your research.
Put in in any position you need, sitting, lying, standing, the OLED screen will always be readable for you, and focus on what really matters: your science.
Share it with your colleagues, its light weight and compactness is a real asset to be easily used by anyone in your lab, and focus on what matters: your work.